Cast Your Vote!

an election simulator

In this simulation, commissioned for Adelphi University’s 2020 Virtual Fall Arts Festival, you are invited to participate in a hypothetical campus election. The experiences or challenges presented illustrate the many ways students could be disenfranchised during a school election and draws parallels to historical methods of disenfranchisement.

Click Here to Cast Your Vote!


“Fun and very informational! Great learning experience; it felt just like voting.”

“It was informative and thought provoking. We think we have come a long way yet we still have so far to go to continue to remove barriers for all citizens.”

“Very creative and informative. Learned about poll taxes and felony disenfranchisement and how they negatively affected and affect many African Americans.”

“This was a really well thought-out simulator! Some information I was familiar with, like the concept of grandfather clauses and the fact that felonies can restrict someone from voting, but I certainly did learn new things, such as the fact that a lot of voter rights have been granted very recently. It was helpful to have important dates in popular history to put this into perspective.”